Weekend Classes

see our FULL class schedule or Register

Understanding Labor & Birth
First two classes

Understand the basics of birth physiology; hormones and how they work together to start and continue labor, how to work with the pelvis and uterus as they change and move, and how thoughts and emotions may play a roll in how childbirth unfolds.  Learn what to expect where you have chosen to give birth, routine procedures, as well as discovering how to make the best decisions for you and your baby.

Week 1:  Understanding Labor & Birth –

  • Nuts and Bolts, and how it works
  • Informed Choices – Making the best decisions for you

Week 2:  Comfort in Labor & Birth- How to make it go well, including comfort measures

Week 3 & 4: Nurtured Mother, Baby, Family

This postpartum preparation class covers similar information as the last three weeks of our seven-part series

Often so much time is spent preparing for childbirth, that couples feel at a loss for what to do once the baby arrives. This class is designed to help families prepare for a healthy postpartum and a new normal. We will cover breastfeeding basics, developing secure attachment, postpartum healing, and healthy transitions when adding another little person to your family.

Weekend Series 2024 dates

All group classes will be offered in PERSON! 

  • May 25, June 1 and 15  *Saturdays* first 2 classes are 9am-1:00, class 3 is 9am -4pm ****Please note this class is THREE SESSIONS – due to scheduling, the postpartum segment will be all one day****
  • July 20, 27, August 3, and 10 *Saturdays* 9am-1:00 ***four sessions***
  • October 19, 26 & November 2, 9 *Saturdays* 9am-1:00 ***four sessions***

4-week series $390
