We’ve Gone Virtual

In light of the inevitable changes that are taking place around the globe due to COVID-19, Ypsi-Arbor CBE has taken our class virtual until further notice.  Our plan is to return to in-person classes as soon as it is deemed safe, however in the meantime, we are committed to offering excellent education virtually.

Our current series is being held via zoom.com and so far we have had a good response from our students still show of Katy teaching about the pelviswho had to switch mediums halfway through our “Understanding Labor and Birth” segment of class.  Obviously there is a learning curve, and we are learning rapidly what works and what does not in a virtual setting.

As we move forward, we have changed some of the specifications and timing for class.  We have shortened class to 2 hours per week, 7-9pm, we are however offering two (2) personal sessions for each student in order for them to have time to ask any questions they have or for us to help craft a plan that can change and fit your specific birthing or postpartum wishes.

Upon registration, you will be invited to our private student Facebook group, our private resource page, and a link to schedule your one-on-one sessions with Katy and/or Ariana. 

If you are a past client, please request to join our Facebook group, as we value everyone’s input and want to hear how everyone is doing.  We hope to offer Facebook live events, and to share current info on the COVID crisis, as well as helpful parenting and birth content as we find it.

We look forward to supporting as many folks as we can, and thus are also offering vastly discounted (up to 100%) classes to those who demonstrate need.  Please reach out if you would like to attend our classes!

Lastly, I want to thank our amazing community of nurses, midwives, doulas, lactation consultants, and doctors who are doing so much to support our students.  Please share with your patients and clients if you think they may benefit from joining our classes.

Introducing Ypsi-Arbor CBE!

We are so excited to announce the launch of our new Ypsi-Arbor Childbirth Education program and curriculum. We have been serving the Ypsilanti, Ann Arbor, Canton, Dexter, Milan areas for years, and Have been attending births as doulas at University of Michigan Motts Women’s and Children’s Hospital, St Joes Family Birth Canter, and assisting at home births. We are happy to share our knowledge and experience, and as we move forward, we will continue to add here on the blog what we are learning in evidence based care for mothers and babies.  We will also share about our instructors and guest teachers.

If you have topics you would like to know more about or if we should start a discussion on something you’re interested in, please leave a comment at the bottom of the page, or send us a message. We will be starting a Frequently Asked Questions blog, so send us your ideas!

We are dedicated to making your pregnancy and birth as empowered as possible, and easing the transition into parenthood by offering up-to-date, evidence based information in a relaxed atmosphere.  Please don’t hesitate to reach out!